Sewing has always seemed like a challenge too daunting a skill to learn. But, working on prototypes for work has forced me to become comfortable and actually pretty excited on the idea of making my own soft goods.

So when I got everything I needed to get me started on my own projects, from my thoughtfully talented girlfriend, Kate, and my equally talented friend, Dan, as amazing Xmas gifts, I had no more excuses.

This machine is awesome. Like with everything, there is a learning curve and you only get better the more times you practice, but this machine has been pretty easy to learn on. One of the best Xmas gifts I have ever received! (Thanks again Kate!)

But in case I needed to be reminded how to thread my machine/bobbin, which I ALWAYS do, Kate created this amazing step by step on how to do so! So Good!

After getting my bearings hemming a number of pants, I decided to try out a project in this book, the other Xmas gift. (Thanks Dan!)

So many great projects in this book and tips and tricks to get you pretty proficient on sewing. Me, probably being overly confident, jumped to one of the projects toward the end of the book, The Tote Bag.

Tons of learnings through the process of making one of these, that I know will impact the art and the themes I am going to explore in my next body of work . It took me a few days and nights to finish, but I am really happy with the outcome.

And of course the designer in me couldn't stop there. I waxed the bag to give me a weathered and add a gritty feel to my tote. Also, when there are no leather stores in the city limits be resourceful and by some leather belts! (Thanks Banana Republic Outlet!)


I wanted to show a little insight into how my installation for my recent solo show, SEEP, came together. 





I was really happy with the outcome. All of the concepts I was presenting in the show, really came to a culmination in this piece. Hoping to grow this concept, we'll see where it leads me.